Well, one of the tasks that I very often find myself doing is merging multiple pdf files into a single pdf file. The very fact that you can merge multiple pdf files using linux is itself a very nice thing. Better still, you can automate it by writing a script.
Below is the command that you would generally enter into a terminal. Of course, you need the software called ghostscript installed. After installing gs, collect all pdf files that you want to merge into a single folder and execute the following command in the terminal. The code given below is adapted from [1]
gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=mergedAll.pdf -dBATCH *.pdf
Once executed, you will have the resulting merged pdf file in mergedAll.pdf. Now, if you want to repeat the above process, make sure you delete/rename mergedAll.pdf and then execute the above command again.
A few more niceties that I like to have in my script besides the above command is to first automatically delete/rename any file called mergedAll.pdf so that I can keep adding new files into the folder and merging them. Secondly I also like to delete/move all previous pdf files so that I have only the merged pdf file in the folder.
Here is the script, to achieve all of the above :
a) For deleting all pdf files after merging,
mv mergedAll.pdf merged.pdf gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=mergedAll.pdf -dBATCH *.pdf mv mergedAll.pdf mergedAll rm *.pdf mv mergedAll mergedAll.pdf
b) For moving all pdf files into a subfolder after merging,
mv mergedAll.pdf merged.pdf gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=mergedAll.pdf -dBATCH *.pdf mv mergedAll.pdf mergedAll mv *.pdf pdf mv mergedAll mergedAll.pdf
[1] http://www.everyjoe.com/newlinuxuser/merge-multiple-pdfs-into-one-file
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